135th canton ncaj ncees

Thaum lub sij hawm Canton Fair 2024 Exhibition, peb tau txais tos ntau tus neeg siv khoom los ntawm thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb los qhia txog cov tswv yim kev tshaj lij, thiab nrhiav cov hauv kev koom tes. Peb xav tias tau meej pem kom muaj kev sib tham tob nrog peb cov neeg siv kom nkag siab txog lawv cov kev xav tau thiab cov lus teb.

Peb pab neeg tshaj lij muab cov neeg siv khoom cov ncauj lus qhia ntxaws ntxaws, tso cai rau cov neeg siv khoom kom nkag siab txog peb cov khoom lag luam thiab cov txiaj ntsig zoo dua. Los ntawm cov khoom muag ua qauv qhia thiab cov kev paub sib txawv, cov neeg siv khoom tau qhia tau zoo thiab lees paub hauv peb cov khoom.

Qhov 135 Canton Fair (9)
Qhov 135 Canton Fair (6)
Qhov 135 Canton Fair (3)
Qhov 135 Canton Fair (8)
Qhov 135 Canton Fair (5)
135th canton ncaj ncees (2)
Qhov 135 Canton Fair (7)
135th canton ncaj ncees (4)
Qhov 135Th Canton Fair (1)

Peb paub tias peb cov neeg muas zaub txoj kev ntseeg thiab kev ntseeg siab tseem ceeb heev rau peb txoj kev loj hlob, yog li peb yuav ua txuas ntxiv txhim kho cov khoom lag luam zoo thiab cov neeg siv khoom ntau dua rau peb cov neeg siv khoom.

Thaum lub sijhawm ua yeeb yam, peb muaj tob sib pauv thiab kev sib tham nrog peb cov neeg siv khoom thiab tsim kev sib koom tes kom ze dua. We will continue to provide customers with high-quality products and services with fuller enthusiasm and a more professional attitude, jointly explore the market, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Ua tsaug rau koj txhua tus neeg muas zaub rau koj lub xub ntiag thiab txhawb nqa, thiab peb cia siab tias yuav ntsib koj dua hauv kev koom tes yav tom ntej!

Txhua qhov chaw ua yeeb yam

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Ees qab teb Asmeskas
Hnub ci qhia teb chaws Africa 2024

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135th canton ncaj ncees

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Lub Sijhawm Post: Apr-16-2024