TCS rafhlaðan á PV Chengdu Expo 2021


With the rapid development of global economy, solar photovoltaic as a clean and low-carbon energy is playing an increasingly important role in the global energy system. Songli Group er nú í Chengdu með röð af orkugeymslu rafhlöðuvörum til að auka ný viðskiptatækifæri. In addition to the application in the field of solar photovoltaic, TCS energy storage battery series have a wide range of applications in electric power tools, garden machinery, industrial power generation system, communication data system, backup power supply, alarm system, road traffic system osfrv. Velkomin að heimsækja okkur á Booth A382!


Songli Battery var stofnað árið 1995 sem sérhæfir sig í háþróaðri rafhlöðurannsóknum, þróun, framleiðslu og markaðssetningu. Songli rafhlaðan er eitt af elstu rafhlöðu vörumerkjum í Kína. Our products are widely used in motorcycles, electric bicycles, cars and industries of all kinds of special purposes with more than two hundred varieties and specifications.



Post Time: Apr-25-2021