Produk Anyar Ngajalankeun Bluet Bluet Bluetooth


81s (Spring, 2021) China Masscypleed Bagian anu parantos diayakeun di Hangzhou ti 28 Aprilthka 30th, 2021. Batré Handli dipipas dina acara sareng narik sajumlah ageung sémah.

Gole Herli diluncurkeun produk panganyarna, batin bluetooth Eire nu kabel sareng sistem manajemén pinter. Sistem manajemén batré séhat nyambungkeun batre sareng Apple View View Bluetooth Nirkess. Éta nyayogikeun jéntrat reare dina warna bébas 3, anu waragad batré anu normal, analisa sareng operasionalkeun ka operasi. Sistem manajemén batré smart sacara efektif nyegah sareng ngirangan batas batre sareng ngajantenkeun langkung stabil sareng tiasa dipercaya. Customers who visit during the exhibition can not only experience the Bluetooth battery by themselves, but also have the opportunity to receive the latest Bluetooth battery samples free of charge.

TCS Boots Batré Batang: 3D-T24

Produk Anyar Ngajalankeun Bluetooth Bluete2

Waktu Pasang: Apr-30-2021